
Hacking WiFi Using ESP8266 | Deauth And Evil-Twin Method

 Welcome back folks, 

    Today I'm going to introduce you all my new tool called ZiFi.

    Github repo: https://github.com/sankethj/ZiFi

    ZiFi , is one of my best tool I have modified in recent days.

All you need is ESP8266 board and Arduino IDE.

Ok, let's dig in.

First and foremost thing clone the repository and install all the necessary libraries for the code to work. ESP8266Webserver, DNSServer, ESP8266WiFi . You can also install all these in Arduino library manager too. And make sure you have add the ESP8266 board-manager url in Additional Preferences and install the board too. So, let's flash the code and upload it to the board.


  • Upon uploading the code an Access Point (AP) named "ZiFi" with password "Eviltwin" will be created. Connect it with your device.
  • As soon as you connect you will redirected to web-interface page. There you can see all the nearby wifi devices. Select the target you want (list of available APs refreshes every 15secs - page reload is required).

  • There will be two types of attack mode. One is Deauth attack. If you choose Deauth it will start deauthing the clients in that network. If you choose Eviltwin attack it will clone the same network.
  • The main concept is first start deauth attack, all clients on that network will start get disconnecting. And then Start Evil-twin attack, which will create the clone of the selected network. Now the clients who got disconnected from that network will see another network with same ssid. So they will start connecting to that network.
  • Then our cloned network will redirect them to a Sign-in page where it says the router needs to be updated and asks the users to enter the network password.
  • So users will enter password, if they enter some random password it will show its wrong password. After entering right password only it will get turned off and shows us the result in our web interface.
  • Reconnect to "ZiFi" network after some time, it will display you the correct password in Result section if they have entered.
For more practical demo, view on youtube

Ok, this is all for this post. Lets, meet up on another day with another awesome content. Till then take care....